Strategies to Improve the Localization Strategy for Business

Strategies to Improve the Localization Strategy for Business

It is not easy to expand your business to foreign markets. Plenty of benefits are associated with it, including a wider customer base, growing online traffic, and boosted sales to name a few. While all these results are highly desirable for any entrepreneur, you can find yourself unsuccessful without a structured approach.

Taking measures to improve the localization is a potential way of optimizing your success chances. In this blog, you will be introduced to 6 tried and tested ways for improving the localization strategy. Implement them to have a smooth and remarkable expansion into the foreign markets.

Take a Good Look at Your Content

While expanding globally, it is important to note that while your brand caters for the needs and requirements of certain sections of the society, not everyone is equally in need of it. So your research should be targeted at the analysis of your audiences’ results. Likewise, the localization content needs to be adapted to their requirements.

One needs to research the target market very well to understand in what ways should the content be modified. A good reviewing process entails a variety of elements. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Modifying the text paragraphs.
  • Changing the UI.
  • Customizing the images and text to the requirements of the host culture.

Entrepreneurs should develop a sense of culture and differences in the acceptable and prohibited trends in the various regions. If your content is very good but contains elements that are deemed offensive by people in the area you are expanding your business to, it’s just not the right type of content to be introduced there. Study the culture of your targeted audience well and ensure that the content is compliable with their local trends and traditions.

Recruit Professionals from the Local Region

Nothing can be better for a professional website translation service than cooperating with the native speakers who are proficient and fluent in the language of your target audience. Professional translators from the area will devise correct words and terminologies in place of the original words. For instance, if India is your chosen destination for business expansion, it is advisable to find an Indian translator.

Getting more specific, you want to establish the branch in Lucknow, which is a city of India. It’s better to get a translator from Lucknow for this purpose than to hire someone from Calcutta. The local customs and culture vary greatly from one place to another even within one country. If you want to target the marketing campaign to another country, adapt the content and translation to the specific region. The same exercises should be done every single time a new target market is identified.

Create Moments That Are Worth Remembering

Think about it; when people hear the brand name, they associate specific attributes with it. You want the customers to think about quality, convenience, and reliability when they come across your brand name. Now that you are expanding into a new market, it is imperative to build a strong image of your brand at this point.

Develop a strategy to define your brand in terms of colors, style, and usability to gain competitive advantage. The brand name should translate into an acceptable meaning for the local culture. At the same time, it should resonate with the identity and quality of your product or service.

Localize the Content Rather Than Only Translating It

The success of a marketing campaign fundamentally depends upon the extent to which an entrepreneur has understood and respected the local customs. A fair understanding of the target market’s expectations can be achieved by doing comprehensive research on the requirements and customs. Initially, it does take an investment of time and resources, but eventually, it makes the endeavor successful by deterring product rejections, loss of clients, and profit reductions.

Review All Translations Thoroughly

The content must be reviewed internally before it is published. Besides checking the grammar and sentence construction, the in-country reviewer should read the text and ensure that it adequately represents the valuable traits and facets of the product or service in the target market. Advanced solutions for professional translation typically edit the tasks.

Always Do the SEO Translation

SEO translation of the text is very important because you want the text to be accessible by the target market online. It’s important to translate the keywords that have high chances of accessibility in Google and other search engines. Entrepreneurs can find the keywords relevant to their content online. Also, there are several free tools that can guide on the popularity of keywords. It is noteworthy that website keywords aren’t exactly translated – they are transcreated.

Sometimes, the translation of a word in the original language needs to be substituted with a word that has a different meaning in the original language. But when used in the sentence, helps bring out the intended meaning of the entrepreneur. Your localization expert can tell you best how a certain phrase or word is said in the local language. New keywords for the translated phrases have to be created and incorporated in the text accordingly.

How to Improve Content Localization? – Summing It All Up

Whenever a product or service is introduced into a new culture, it achieves success when it is accepted and endorsed by the local population. Adopting the right marketing and localization strategy is critically important for good brand image and profitability of the move. Entrepreneurs can achieve this by customizing the content to the needs, trends, and culture of the target market.

The whole content needs to be reviewed and translated in the local language by a native speaker. A proficient team of translators and SEO specialists at will transcreate the content understanding the intended meaning of the writer and make it reachable over the Internet by a new audience.

Author: Joline Fitzgerald